At the end of 2024, in a packed hall of the Prijedor theater, we announced the Nikola Baroš Foundation. It was an evening filled with emotions, memories, and a very special book — The Prijedor ABC Book, written by Nikola’s grandfather, Zoran Stanić.
This unique book about Prijedor presents 150 concepts that capture the soul of the city — from history and geography to culture, art, and sports. Its creation holds a heartfelt story. Nikola, curious and proud of his hometown, once noticed that his schoolbooks lacked information about the place he loved so dearly. His grandfather decided to change that. With patience and devotion, he collected stories, facts, and landmarks, creating a book destined to become a lasting symbol of love and dedication.
Sadly, Nikola never got to see the completed Prijedor ABC Book. But surely, he now flips through its pages in a more beautiful place, reading the dedication on the first page — written for him and his friends.
A deeply moving moment was the visit to Nikola’s class, Grade 7, Class 2. His classmates and teachers received personalized copies of the book, a token of gratitude for filling Nikola’s world with joy and friendship.
But the story doesn’t end here. Nikola’s grandfather, Zoran Stanić, donated the entire print run to the Foundation, ensuring that the funds from its sale would support the construction of Barošica — the outdoor classroom — a place carrying Nikola’s spirit, a symbol of love, knowledge, and togetherness.
Thanks to generous donations, every contributor received a copy of the Prijedor ABC book and a colouring book. Additionally, union organizations that supported the Foundation included these books in children’s New Year gift packages.
Through this, Nikola’s wish for more people to learn about his beloved Prijedor continues to live on — in children’s hands, in stories passed down, and in the hearts of all who become part of this journey.
And just when we thought the emotions couldn’t run deeper, the wonderful school librarian Milena touched our hearts once again. She poured everything we feel into a gift, a treasure, a letter to Nikola — words that will forever shine, just like him. ❤️
When a stone is placed upon a person’s soul, pressing with the full force of its undeniable existence—a stone that doesn’t allow a person to take another breath without breaking apart—a stone called pain, a stone called sorrow, there are only two ways for a person to bear it. The first is to surrender to it and slowly perish under its weight. The second is to craft a chisel and, with the strength of love for the missing being, begin carving sorrow into it, vein by vein of the heart, creating a monument to one’s love.
Knowing Nikola and working with him, witnessing the creation of the Prijedor ABC Book, and observing the transformation of the power of grief, sorrow, and longing into the energy of words and books, I had no other choice but to weave the force of indescribable emotions into words myself.
In a small classroom of only a few square meters, young students' heads—full of secret thoughts, feelings, and reflections—were gathered. Opposite them sat a group of adults. Their thoughts were heavy, and burdened; grief weighed upon them. Memories. Emptiness. Longing. And then, words began to flow, like pearls. We are here remembering Nikola’s name, and the talk is about some book, some ABC book. Of history. Of culture. Of what else? Where is all this coming from at this moment? A glance at the empty spot behind Nikola’s school desk. Of course! It’s Nikola! All of this stems from him. From a young being who was already a complete person. From a child from whom even adults could learn. From a reciter who could admonish even serious orators. Yes! From Nikola. Nothing less could have come from him. Nothing greater or more beautiful could he have become. A book. Eternity. Through the power of a grandfather’s love and a father’s and mother’s insatiable need to keep their child in an infinite embrace, at least in words, at least in stories, at least in perpetual memory—the stone of grief was sculpted with the chisel of love. Into a monument. Into an ABC Book. Into an ABC Book of Love.
I do not believe in death. The Son of Almighty God defeated death. Destroyed it. Annihilated it. Resurrected eternal life. I do believe in longing. Longing until the next meeting.

Librarian Elementary School “Dositej Obradović” November 2024When a stone is placed upon a person’s soul, pressing with the full force of its undeniable existence—a stone that doesn’t allow a person to take another breath without breaking apart—a stone called pain, a stone called sorrow, there are only two ways for a person to bear it. The first is to surrender to it and slowly perish under its weight. The second is to craft a chisel and, with the strength of love for the missing being, begin carving sorrow into it, vein by vein of the heart, creating a monument to one’s love.
Knowing Nikola and working with him, witnessing the creation of the Prijedor ABC Book, and observing the transformation of the power of grief, sorrow, and longing into the energy of words and books, I had no other choice but to weave the force of indescribable emotions into words myself.
In a small classroom of only a few square meters, young students' heads—full of secret thoughts, feelings, and reflections—were gathered. Opposite them sat a group of adults. Their thoughts were heavy, and burdened; grief weighed upon them. Memories. Emptiness. Longing. And then, words began to flow, like pearls. We are here remembering Nikola’s name, and the talk is about some book, some ABC book. Of history. Of culture. Of what else? Where is all this coming from at this moment? A glance at the empty spot behind Nikola’s school desk. Of course! It’s Nikola! All of this stems from him. From a young being who was already a complete person. From a child from whom even adults could learn. From a reciter who could admonish even serious orators. Yes! From Nikola. Nothing less could have come from him. Nothing greater or more beautiful could he have become. A book. Eternity. Through the power of a grandfather’s love and a father’s and mother’s insatiable need to keep their child in an infinite embrace, at least in words, at least in stories, at least in perpetual memory—the stone of grief was sculpted with the chisel of love. Into a monument. Into an ABC Book. Into an ABC Book of Love.
I do not believe in death. The Son of Almighty God defeated death. Destroyed it. Annihilated it. Resurrected eternal life. I do believe in longing. Longing until the next meeting.