May love and kindness be
our legacy
The “Nikola Baroš” Foundation provides support to
children and youth, creating a warm and secure environment.
Guided by our love for Nikola, we nurture talents and
enable every child to grow, learn and thrive.
The “Nikola Baroš” Foundation provides support to children and youth, creating a warm and secure environment. Guided by our love for Nikola, we nurture talents and enable every child to grow, learn and thrive.
Support for every step forward.
Support for Education
Providing resources and programs that improve the quality of education for all children.
Equal Opportunities and Social Inclusion
Working to remove barriers and assist marginalized groups, including children with special needs, to enable their active participation in society.
Support for Cultural, Sports, and Extracurricular Activities
Promoting and enabling children's participation in various activities that contribute to their overall development.
Development of Humanity and Community Spirit
Creating opportunities for the development of a culture of gratitude and solidarity among children and young people through various activities and projects.
And that comes from a heart!
The idea of establishing the Foundation Nikola Baroš took shape when our son Nikola left us forever at the age of 13.
His kindness, selflessness, courage, and love for everyone left a lasting mark on our lives, and we decided to turn his name into a beacon of hope for others.
completed program
program for this month
Mission and Goals
Let's Support Dreams
The mission of the Foundation Nikola Baroš is to provide support and improve the quality of life for preschool and school-aged children, youth, and all those who work with them.
The Foundation advocates for the recognition, development, and encouragement of talent, creating an environment where every child can grow, learn, and thrive.
The goal is to provide support to children and youth through various initiatives, projects, and programs.
Guided by our love for Nikola and his friends, as well as for all children, we aim to provide support, understanding, and warmth, creating a sense of belonging and security.
completed program
program for this month
Outdoor classroom
Join us in creating the first outdoor classroom in Prijedor! The outdoor classroom at "Dositej Obradović" Elementary School will be the first of its kind in our city and region – a place where education meets nature, and children have the opportunity to grow, learn, and create in a completely new way.
Misija i cilj
Misija „Fondacije Nikola Baroš“ je pružanje podrške i poboljšanje kvaliteta života predškolske i školske djece, omladine, te svih koji rade sa djecom.
Cilj je pružanje podrške djeci i mladima kroz različite inicijative, projekte i programe.
Vođeni ljubavlju prema Nikoli i njegovim drugarima, prema svakom djetetu, želimo pružiti podršku, razumijevanje i toplinu, stvarajući osjećaj pripadnosti i sigurnosti.
Nikola Baroš
Fondacija Nikola Baroš
Neka ljubav i dobrota budu naše naslijeđe
Ideja o osnivanju „Fondacije Nikola Baroš“ rodila se kada nas je u 13. godini života zauvijek napustio naš sin Nikola.
Zavjetovali smo se da ćemo na taj način slaviti njegov život.
Osnivači Fondacije smo mi, roditelji, i Nikolina sestra Milica.
Ljubav, humanost i empatija prema svima samo su neka od osjećanja koja smo međusobno dijelili.
Želja nam je vraćati osmijehe na dječija lica, unositi radost u njihove živote i podsjetiti na činjenicu da se svi rađamo jednaki i da nas život ne smije promijeniti.
completed program
program for this month
Olga Odanović
Actress, Belgrade„It is my pleasure and honor to support the 'Nikola Baroš' Foundation, which I am certain will work in the best possible way to achieve its goals!“
Tatjana Damjanović Bilc
Houston„Love leaves a memory no one can steal".
Danica Nikolić Nikolić
Playwright and Screenwriter, Belgrade„I have known Jelena Mirković Baroš for almost my entire life, from her earliest days, since she was just a little girl. I know the faith, hope, and kindness with which she grew, and how much love, support, and joy she selflessly spread around her. This mission is her life. It is that warm and sacred place she carries in her heart, the place that eternally belongs to Nikola. Knowing this, if I could choose people to entrust my child to, it would be these people. Their mission is pure, noble, and sacred, just as Nikola himself was.“
Stefan Bilc
Bachelor of Science in Health, Houston„I strongly believe that the 'Nikola Baroš' Foundation will become a key beacon of hope, illuminating the path toward a better future. Its work will bring significant change to the lives of hundreds of children and their families, empowering them through education and contributing to the lasting prosperity and harmony of the entire community. Your commitment to enhancing educational opportunities for children perfectly aligns with the mission of the 'Nikola Baroš' Foundation. Together, we can achieve extraordinary results that will echo profoundly and leave a lasting legacy for generations to come.“
Jelena Brkić Stojaković
Master of Pharmacy, Banja Luka„It was meant for us to meet and become friends. Over time, our friendship grew into something deeper, and Nikola gave that 'something more than friendship' a special name—relatives. For this reason, I have joined the 'Nikola Baroš' Foundation not merely as a friend, but as a relative of the foundation. I believe the energy you possess will, through the foundation, bring at least one more smile and at least one less tear.“
Marina Ješić
Milan„Jelena would lovingly tell Nikola that she had not carried him in her womb—she, just like Zoran, had quietly carried him in her heart, long before he came into this world. And they will carry him there still, for as long as their hearts beat. This foundation stands on a foundation of love, as pure as a parent's heart. All of us who loved him now have the chance to immortalize the profound mark he left on the world around him, to spread love, and to try to fulfill at least a part of the great things he did not have the time to achieve.
With love,
Your friend.“
Saša Babić
Sweden„I had the privilege of knowing Nikola (or Johnny, as we used to call him), and I am grateful that you have established this humanitarian foundation in his name. I look forward to seeing you soon and participating in practical efforts. Once again, thank you for this deeply humanitarian gesture.
Olga Odanović
Actress, Belgrade„It is my pleasure and honor to support the 'Nikola Baroš' Foundation, which I am certain will work in the best possible way to achieve its goals!“
Tatjana Damjanović Bilc
Houston„Love leaves a memory no one can steal".
Danica Nikolić Nikolić
Playwright and Screenwriter, Belgrade„I have known Jelena Mirković Baroš for almost my entire life, from her earliest days, since she was just a little girl. I know the faith, hope, and kindness with which she grew, and how much love, support, and joy she selflessly spread around her. This mission is her life. It is that warm and sacred place she carries in her heart, the place that eternally belongs to Nikola. Knowing this, if I could choose people to entrust my child to, it would be these people. Their mission is pure, noble, and sacred, just as Nikola himself was.“
Stefan Bilc
Bachelor of Science in Health, Houston„I strongly believe that the 'Nikola Baroš' Foundation will become a key beacon of hope, illuminating the path toward a better future. Its work will bring significant change to the lives of hundreds of children and their families, empowering them through education and contributing to the lasting prosperity and harmony of the entire community. Your commitment to enhancing educational opportunities for children perfectly aligns with the mission of the 'Nikola Baroš' Foundation. Together, we can achieve extraordinary results that will echo profoundly and leave a lasting legacy for generations to come.“
Jelena Brkić Stojaković
Master of Pharmacy, Banja Luka„It was meant for us to meet and become friends. Over time, our friendship grew into something deeper, and Nikola gave that 'something more than friendship' a special name—relatives. For this reason, I have joined the 'Nikola Baroš' Foundation not merely as a friend, but as a relative of the foundation. I believe the energy you possess will, through the foundation, bring at least one more smile and at least one less tear.“
Marina Ješić
Milan„Jelena would lovingly tell Nikola that she had not carried him in her womb—she, just like Zoran, had quietly carried him in her heart, long before he came into this world. And they will carry him there still, for as long as their hearts beat. This foundation stands on a foundation of love, as pure as a parent's heart. All of us who loved him now have the chance to immortalize the profound mark he left on the world around him, to spread love, and to try to fulfill at least a part of the great things he did not have the time to achieve.
With love,
Your friend.“
Saša Babić
Sweden„I had the privilege of knowing Nikola (or Johnny, as we used to call him), and I am grateful that you have established this humanitarian foundation in his name. I look forward to seeing you soon and participating in practical efforts. Once again, thank you for this deeply humanitarian gesture.
Messages from those who support us.
Messages from those who support us.
Stalno učimo i prilagođavamo se, koristeći povratne informacije i podatke kako bismo pružili bolju podršku djeci i njihovim porodicama.
„It was meant for us to meet and become friends. Over time, our friendship grew into something deeper, and Nikola gave that 'something more than friendship' a special name—relatives. For this reason, I have joined the 'Nikola Baroš Foundation' not merely as a friend, but as a relative of the foundation. I believe the energy you possess will, through the foundation, bring at least one more smile and at least one less tear.“
Jelena Brkić Stojaković
Master of Pharmacy, Banja Luka„It is my pleasure and honor to support the 'Nikola Baroš Foundation', which I am certain will work in the best possible way to achieve its goals!“
Olga Odanović
Actress, Beograd„I strongly believe that the 'Nikola Baroš Foundation' will become a key beacon of hope, illuminating the path toward a better future. Its work will bring significant change to the lives of hundreds of children and their families, empowering them through education and contributing to the lasting prosperity and harmony of the entire community. Your commitment to enhancing educational opportunities for children perfectly aligns with the mission of the 'Nikola Baroš Foundation'. Together, we can achieve extraordinary results that will echo profoundly and leave a lasting legacy for generations to come.“
Stefan Bilc
Bachelor of Science in Health, Houston„I have known Jelena Mirković Baroš for almost my entire life, from her earliest days, since she was just a little girl. I know the faith, hope, and kindness with which she grew, and how much love, support, and joy she selflessly spread around her. This mission is her life. It is that warm and sacred place she carries in her heart, the place that eternally belongs to Nikola. Knowing this, if I could choose people to entrust my child to, it would be these people. Their mission is pure, noble, and sacred, just as Nikola himself was.“
Danica Nikolić Nikolić
Playwright and Screenwriter, beograd„I had the privilege of knowing Nikola (or Johnny, as we used to call him), and I am grateful that you have established this humanitarian foundation in his name. I look forward to seeing you soon and participating in practical efforts. Once again, thank you for this deeply humanitarian gesture.
Saša Babić
Sweden„Love leaves a memory no one can steal".
Tatjana Damjanović Bilc
Houston„Jelena would lovingly tell Nikola that she had not carried him in her womb—she, just like Zoran, had quietly carried him in her heart, long before he came into this world. And they will carry him there still, for as long as their hearts beat. This foundation stands on a foundation of love, as pure as a parent's heart. All of us who loved him now have the chance to immortalize the profound mark he left on the world around him, to spread love, and to try to fulfill at least a part of the great things he did not have the time to achieve.
With love,
Your friend.“
Marina Ješić
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who selflessly supported the founding of the “Nikola Baroš” Foundation, contributed to the creation of the website, and made it possible for us to embark on this noble mission together. Your support and belief in our vision are the foundation of every step we take.
Software Company
Zajednička advokatska kancelarija Topić
Ružica Topić i Srđan Štrkić
Luka Višnjić
Grafički dizajner / 3D Artist
OŠ Dositej Obradović Prijedor
Milena Anđić, Teodora Sarač, Marija Rodić, Marija Pavić, Đorđe Sadžak, Marko Topić
Članovi Udruženja za očuvanje tradicije Prijedor
Anja i Aleksandar Stupar
Posebno hvala onima bez kojih ovo ne bi bilo moguće:
How to engage with the Foundation?
- Friend of the Foundation
A Friend of the Foundation is an individual who supports our mission and becomes a member through a personalized membership card. We aspire for our friends to be the driving force behind spreading our mission. Friends can also contribute to the Foundation's work through donations, based on their personal capacities and preferences.
- Partner of the Foundation
A Partner of the Foundation is a legal entity that supports our mission through an annual partnership agreement and contributions. The logo of each partner will be prominently featured on our website as a sign of gratitude and acknowledgment of collaboration.
We ensure that all our friends and partners are regularly informed about the Foundation’s initiatives, ongoing projects, and their outcomes.
How can I donate to the Foundation?
Donations can be made through the online system available on our website or via direct payment to the Foundation’s bank account.
Will my donation be publicly displayed?
Yes, the Foundation is committed to full transparency. All contributions and their allocation will be publicly displayed on our website, ensuring that each donation is available for review. However, if you prefer anonymity, only your initials or "Anonymous" will be shown.
Who can request support from the Foundation?
Support can be requested by children and young people individually, as well as by organizations, schools, and clubs working with children. Applications will be evaluated based on criteria designed to ensure that assistance reaches those in greatest need, in alignment with the Foundation’s resources.
What types of projects does the Foundation support?
The Foundation focuses on projects in the areas of education, social inclusion, and cultural and sports activities. We support initiatives that contribute to the development and enhancement of the quality of life for children and young people.
How can I volunteer for the Foundation?
Anyone interested in volunteering can reach out to us via our website or social media platforms. We welcome support in organizing events, collecting donations, and engaging in other activities that align with our mission.
Does the Foundation collaborate with other organizations?
Yes, we are open to collaboration with organizations, companies, and institutions that share our values. If you are interested in partnering with us, please feel free to contact us.
How can I propose a project for support?
You can propose a project by sending an email with a detailed description of the idea and the project’s goals. The Foundation’s board carefully reviews all proposals and makes decisions based on established criteria.
How does the Foundation raise funds?
We raise funds through individual donations, partnerships with companies, organizing humanitarian events, and other initiatives.
Does the Foundation provide support for medical treatment?
The Foundation is not primarily focused on providing support for medical treatment, as such assistance typically requires substantial resources, which are generally provided by government programs and other national funds.
How to engage with the Foundation?
- Friend of the Foundation
A Friend of the Foundation is an individual who supports our mission and becomes a member through a personalized membership card. We aspire for our friends to be the driving force behind spreading our mission. Friends can also contribute to the Foundation's work through donations, based on their personal capacities and preferences.
- Partner of the Foundation
A Partner of the Foundation is a legal entity that supports our mission through an annual partnership agreement and contributions. The logo of each partner will be prominently featured on our website as a sign of gratitude and acknowledgment of collaboration.
We ensure that all our friends and partners are regularly informed about the Foundation’s initiatives, ongoing projects, and their outcomes.
How can I donate to the Foundation?
Donations can be made through the online system available on our website or via direct payment to the Foundation’s bank account.
Will my donation be publicly displayed?
Yes, the Foundation is committed to full transparency. All contributions and their allocation will be publicly displayed on our website, ensuring that each donation is available for review. However, if you prefer anonymity, only your initials or "Anonymous" will be shown.
Who can request support from the Foundation?
Support can be requested by children and young people individually, as well as by organizations, schools, and clubs working with children. Applications will be evaluated based on criteria designed to ensure that assistance reaches those in greatest need, in alignment with the Foundation’s resources.
What types of projects does the Foundation support?
The Foundation focuses on projects in the areas of education, social inclusion, and cultural and sports activities. We support initiatives that contribute to the development and enhancement of the quality of life for children and young people.